Saturday 20 December 2008


It is nearly 2009 and a time for looking forwards not back. 2008 Has not been a particularly good year in general, but it did have its compensations. One of these was finding a death date for Michael Kennedy (GGrandfather). It was quite a surprise too. My Grandfather (Michael's son) stated that his father was deceased when he married Clarissa Burkinshaw in 1910, and so hindered me in my search. It was only when I bought a cd from Rotherham FHS that I found him. And I wasn't looking for him, but for any other Kennedys who I wasn't aware of. Nice surprise, though.

So what will I find in 2009? I've re-subscribed to Ancestry, which in itself means that I mean business!! My other brick wall was the death of Michael's wife, Sarah Jane Kennedy (nee Griffin), so that has to be the priority. There is though a strange feature of the family that I have found, and can't quite make up my mind what it signifies: In the grave of Patrick Kennedy (3xGGrandfather b 1809) and his wife Margaret is buried another man, John Moran. Who is he, what is he doing there? I am intrigued.

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