Well, not quite this minute, but won't be long. That intrepid traveller - my daughter Rachel - and I are off to look for clues in Ireland to where our Olds lived.
I started researching our family history roughly 6 years ago. I never expected the research of the Irish lot to be easy at all. It wasn't. I still tear my hair out sometimes when I'm not sure if one body belongs to the family or not. Dad's side of the family were easy in comparison. No lies, nothing way out of normal, and they only left one mystery that I doubt will ever be solved - the name of my Gx3 Grandfather's father. His mother died when he was 3 years old, and never parted with that information
Whether it was the difficulty of researching the Kennedy line, or the challenge perhaps, but they have grabbed my attention and won't let go. Once upon a time I was the most organised of folk, but now I have box upon box of notes on the back of envelopes, in my craft room, falling out of books that I'm just about to give away, etc. I do the same research over and over because I can't find that scrap of paper with the death reference on it. They throw up questions that I can't answer at all legs of the research, and lie abominably. AArgghh!
To go with the family tree, I am doing a journal. I completed the book yesterday, and have got the first chapter ready typed to go in. The pages will be decorated slightly. If I can ever find out how, I shall upload the cover to the Graphicus wotsit. At least I'll try. I've just spent a whole afternoon trying to improve my blog in readiness. 5 years ago I would have done it in minutes. As I get older it seems as though I 'unlearn' stuff!