Tuesday, 30 December 2008

More year-end mysteries!

Yesterday I met Margaret Eames when she and her husband Philip came for tea with us. I have been in touch with Margaret for the past couple of years or more, when she answered a letter that I had printed in the Rotherham Advertiser. We have corresponded since then, and when she and Philip stayed in York this Christmas we invited them over for a bite to eat with us. Apart from Margaret forgetting to bring all the family photos etc, we managed to swap bits of information, including details of her Gran, Eliza. I think it was beneficial to all!

I seem to be ending the year with more mysteries than I started with. I have discovered that the Kennedys were catholic at last. The mystery of Michael's death has been solved, despite the lies told at the time which led me down the wrong path. Now there are the following:
- Where and when did Sarah Jane Kennedy (Griffin) die/was buried?
- Who are the mysterious Farrar trio which are/may have been attached to the John Kennedy family in one of the census collections?
- Why was John Moran buried in the same grave as Patrick (b 1809) and his wife Margaret?
- Who was the brother of Thomas and Eliza who went to Ireland?

There are more, but I think those are enough to keep me going for the year 2009.

Very best wishes for the new year, and here's hoping that it is good to you.

Saturday, 20 December 2008


It is nearly 2009 and a time for looking forwards not back. 2008 Has not been a particularly good year in general, but it did have its compensations. One of these was finding a death date for Michael Kennedy (GGrandfather). It was quite a surprise too. My Grandfather (Michael's son) stated that his father was deceased when he married Clarissa Burkinshaw in 1910, and so hindered me in my search. It was only when I bought a cd from Rotherham FHS that I found him. And I wasn't looking for him, but for any other Kennedys who I wasn't aware of. Nice surprise, though.

So what will I find in 2009? I've re-subscribed to Ancestry, which in itself means that I mean business!! My other brick wall was the death of Michael's wife, Sarah Jane Kennedy (nee Griffin), so that has to be the priority. There is though a strange feature of the family that I have found, and can't quite make up my mind what it signifies: In the grave of Patrick Kennedy (3xGGrandfather b 1809) and his wife Margaret is buried another man, John Moran. Who is he, what is he doing there? I am intrigued.

Saturday, 13 December 2008

New Resolutions - Already!

13 12 08

Almost the new year, I'm only a little further forward than I was a year ago. Stay positive! One of my biggest brick walls was the date of death of Michael Kennedy, my Great Grandfather. I was led astray by my Grandfather who stated Michael was deceased at the time of his marriage in 1910. It was a long time before I realised that the bmd disk that I had bought from Rotherham fhs contained Michaels death record.

So, what hurdles are there still to overcome for next year? Well there is the the death of Michael's wife, Sarah Jane. She and Michael were living with their complete family at (address) in the 1891 census. When the 1901 census was taken, Michael was to be found in Barnsley with his youngest son Thomas in lodgings with a Mrs Grange. At first I assumed that Sarah had died and Michael had taken the youngest of the family, aged 14, to get his training as a coal miner in the best area that he could. Having searched long and hard for Sarah Jane's death, I considered that the pair may, instead, have separated. I searched then for the same name anywhere in England. Nothing jumped out at me. Maybe Sarah Jane had divorced Michael and remarried? The answer still eludes me.

Then, the most curious of all - why was a man called John Moran buried with Patrick snr and his wife Margaret. Perhaps someone else has the answer.